Galería Innovadora

Descubre nuestros avances en farmacología de precisión y biotecnología.

black and white wooden bench
black and white wooden bench
man in purple long sleeve shirt holding white plastic bottle
man in purple long sleeve shirt holding white plastic bottle
woman in white long sleeve shirt holding white printer paper
woman in white long sleeve shirt holding white printer paper
close-up photo of heart-shape stones
close-up photo of heart-shape stones
person holding four assorted medicine tablets
person holding four assorted medicine tablets
black smartphone beside white plastic bottle and black smartphone
black smartphone beside white plastic bottle and black smartphone

Proyectos Innovadores

Desarrollo de tests farmacológicos para tratamientos personalizados y efectivos.

close-up photography of medication pill lot
close-up photography of medication pill lot
Asesoría Científica

Apoyo en estudios y comercialización de pruebas farmacológicas.

orange and white plastic container
orange and white plastic container
woman in white long sleeve shirt holding silver and black metal tool
woman in white long sleeve shirt holding silver and black metal tool
woman in white shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses
woman in white shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses
Educación Profesional

Capacitación en farmacología de precisión para profesionales de la salud.

Los tests farmacológicos de Farmacología de Precisión han mejorado significativamente mi tratamiento y comprensión de la farmacología.

Dr. Pérez

a person wearing a white suit and blue gloves
a person wearing a white suit and blue gloves
white and orange medication pill on black surface
white and orange medication pill on black surface
